Neurotic and Bridget the Midget
26th Occasional
Pasadena Doo Dah Parade 2002

Finally after all these years
a Doo Dah video production that actually reflects the wild and
crazy antics of this assemblage.

In this once a year trully
Upside Down spectacle, to rival
and spoof the acclaimed Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade.

Where all the rules are thrown
out the window, and the Fun and Frolic remain.
Johnny Neurotic
and Bridget the Midget,
bring the people, costumes, and their art works to your TV screen.

In this Roller Coaster Ride
of Sight and Sound. almost ninety full minutes of high energy
pageantry fun.
Including interviews, music
and mayhem.
Sam Kapland say's " Its'
a cross cultural, ID"
If you attended the event you
are probally in the video,
If you didn't order this one of a kind video by Upside Down Tv
and enjoy the FUN over and over again.